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przesuń do poprzedniego roku

Krzysztof Guczalski
Is Music Expression?

Karol Berger
Mahler and the Taking Back of the ‘Ninth’ 

Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek
The “cry” of a nightingale. Expression, emotion, meaning

Bartłomiej Barwinek
Expression in Josef Matthias Hauer’s piano music as exemplifie byKlavierstücke mit Überschriften nach Worten von Friedrich Hölderlin’ Op. 25

Szymon Borys
Ekspresja w formie aforystycznej. „Kafka-Fragmente” op. 24 Györgya Kurtága

Agnieszka Nowok-Zych
Kwestia poczucia humoru? Słodko-gorzki smak „Starych listów” op. 77 Mieczysława Wajnberga

Magdalena Stochniol
O ekspresji w muzyce Andrzeja Krzanowskiego

Joanna Schiller-Rydzewska
„In Danzig Josepha Eichendorffa w czterech umuzycznieniach – muzyka wobec ekspresji słowa

Izabela Zymer
Udział Zofii Lissy w próbach definiowania formalizmu i realizmu w muzyce w latach 40. i 50. XX wieku.
Wykorzystanie kategorii ekspresji muzycznej (wyrazu) do tworzenia schematów podziału

Krzysztof Bilica
Selfie z ekspresją muzyczną w tle. Próba heurystyki


We will still keep (at least for some time) the archival form of some papers:


Since publishing of the complete 21st Volume (2023) of the “Polish Musicological Yearbook” was delayed, we have decided to start now making available online selected papers from the upcoming issue as the Ahead of Print publication.

We hereby thank all our Authors for their patience and co-operation.

At the same time we are glad to ensure our Readers that the process of preparing the full volume is still in progress and it is aimed to be finished as soon as possible. When it is done, the 21st Volume (2023) of the “Polish Musicological Yearbook” will be available in print from the Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne internet bookshop, and as online publication both at our site, and in Sciendo, Biblioteka Nauki oraz Academic Journals services.

In co-operation with their Autors, selected papers of the 21st Volume (2023) of the “Polish Musicological Yearbook” have been made available here as the 
AHEAD OF PRINT  publications

List of Contents of the Vol. 21

Magdalena Stochniol
Expression in the music of Andrzej Krzanowski
(DOI 10.2478/prm-2023-0008)

Joanna Schiller-Rydzewska
Four musical settings of the poem “In Danzig” by Joseph Eichendorff — music and the expression of the word 
(DOI 10.2478/prm-2023-0007)

Izabela Zymer
Zofia Lissa’s participation in attempts to define formalism and realism in music in the 1940s and 1950s. Using the category of musical expression to create patterns of division
(DOI 10.2478/prm-2023-0009)

Krzysztof Bilica
A selfie with musical expression in the background. An attempt at heuristics 
(DOI 10.2478/prm-2023-0003)

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